Vieth Family Lifestyle | Amarillo Family Lifestyle Newborn Photographer

My precious babies, No words could ever explain how much I love you, or how much joy you have brought into me and your Daddy’s lives. You are gifts from God, and I thank Him everyday for allowing me to be your Mommy. As you grow up I pray your Daddy and I can teach you and show you Who love is, and what love looks like. I pray you will grow up knowing Jesus, and having unwavering faith that you were created for such a time as this. I pray that you will always walk boldly – in your faith, in love, in grace, and in truth. I pray you will stand tall and steadfast in all life’s trials, and that you will know intimately that Christ is the rock upon which you stand. You see, my loves, this world we brought you into can be scary, and seem hopeless. But here’s the thing… you will always find beauty when you look closely enough. It surrounds you, you simply must choose to be intentional in seeking it. As you grow you will know pain, you will feel fire, you will face turmoil. I wish your Daddy and I could keep you from these certainties, but however hard we might try, we cannot. What we can do – what we WILL do – is always stand in the gap for you. We will pray for you without ceasing. We will be here to support you, to love you, to teach you and to guide you the best we can. You are more precious than gold, and there’s nothing in the entire world that could change our love for you. You see, becoming your parents changed our world forever. It made it brighter and more beautiful than we could have ever dreamed. We didn’t know we were missing anything until you both came into our lives. Now it all feels… complete. I pray that someday you are blessed to know what this love feels like – the absolutely unshakable love that comes with being a parent. Daniel and Nadine, may you grow healthy and strong; may joy and peace be your constant companions, and may you always, always know how very loved you are.

Love, Mommy

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Amarillo Family Photographer | Amarillo Photographer | Brit Nicole



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